SQA Exams

Here you will find links pertaining to SQA National QUalifications such as exam timetables and SQA publsihed study support.

Revsion for these exams should already have started.  If you haven't started yet, start now, it's not too late!

The more preparation that is done for an exam, the more confident the learner feels, therefore there is less stress and anxiety.  

The best advice is to start revision early, and keep it consistent - little and often is the key rather than cramming it all in at the last minute!  Building a study timetable and sticking to it, is one strategy that will help learners feel in control and more prepared.

SQA Exam Timetable 2022 pdf

SQA Exam Timetable and Learner apps (Exam Timetable Builder and My Study Plan apps)

SQA Ushare site - search for revision support documents for all National Qualifications from N5 to AH